Advice from the Future

Schedule a Meeting

This week I met with several employees who are getting ready for retirement that have saved over a million dollars in their 401k accounts.

The interesting thing is that these folks said that they started saving early in their career and made increases over time.

This reminded me of a video I did some time back called advice from the future.

These guys all told me that they are really glad that they started early and that what they saved in their 401k never kept them from the things they wanted to do.

Sometimes when I talk to participants, once of the excuses they give for not increasing their 401k is they don’t think they can afford it.

Sometimes we think that if we contribute more to our retirement, that we will have less to spend on the things we want today.

When I asked the participants that saved over $1m about that, they didn’t feel that way. In fact, they said they never even missed the money at all.

And these weren’t executive level people with extremely high salaries.

These guys we’re just regular employees.

The key to their success is that they stayed disciplined to saving throughout their career.

These guys are truly examples of being 401k superheroes. And I think if you have the same discipline, you can do this too.

If you’d like to have a conversation about what you can do to become a 401k Superhero to your future self, click on the link above and lets schedule a time to have a conversation.