Protecting Your Biggest Asset

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Today I want to talk a little about protecting your assets.

But first, let me ask you a question. The question is, how do you as a 401k or 403b participant become a 401k superhero to your future self?

That is the question, and these videos will give you the answers.

Hey, I’m Jonathon Schultheiss and welcome to the Becoming a 401k superhero videos.

When I say protecting your assets, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

Let me ask this question, what do you think is your biggest asset today?

Is it your home, your 401k, your investment portfolio?

I would argue that it is your ability to earn an income.

Think about this for a second…. If you made $45,000 a year and you worked for 30 years, that would be over $1.3million. If you make more than that, its even more substantial.

Now consider this. If you had an asset worth $1.3million, how would you treat it? Would you take good care of it? Or would you just neglect it?

If you had a $1.3million racehorse, how would you treat it? Would you feed it the cheapest food and not take good care of it? Or would you invest in it and hope that it increases in value?

If you and your ability to earn an income are your biggest assets, shouldn’t you invest a little more in yourself and take better care of yourself?

Here are a couple other things to consider too.

If your income is one of your biggest assets, shouldn’t you consider disability insurance to protect it?

Did you know that you are 3 times more likely to become disabled than to die? Yet we don’t think about disability insurance.

Life insurance is another thing to consider. What would happen to your family in the event that you and your income were taken out of the picture? Wouldn’t you still like for your family to be taken care of?

Making sure you are protecting your assets by taking better care of yourself and considering disability insurance and life insurance are ways to help you become a 401k superhero to your future self.

If you’d like more ideas on protecting your assets, then you can click the link above and schedule a time for us to have a conversation about your specific situation.